TABOOPUNKS Gold Border Special Utility
To our loyal and dedicated community,
As mentioned over the last couple of weeks, we are introducing a “special” utility for Gold Bordered PUNKS owners.
These TABOOPUNKS are not only extremely high quality NFT Art, but there are strong utility aspects tied to our TOKEN brand — for example, being able to attend Live Events such as our TABOO Festival we are conducting next year, and introductions into our upcoming TabooMetaVerse! Owning a TABOOPUNK gives you the opportunity to own an asset that will grow in value over time as our token value grows (they are intertwined), but also have real, tangible utilities that we will be adding more of over time.
With that being said:
We are PROUD and EXCITED to introduce a brand new utility for all GOLD BORDERED Punks OWNERS!
This is a utility that creates further exclusivity, and differentiates owners of Gold Bordered punks from Silver, or Bronze bordered PUNKS. Just like how we have a Tiering System for TABOO TOKEN holders — where being a T4 Holder is the highest tier providing the most exclusive benefits possible (such as attending our upcoming Mansion Event) — a Gold Bordered PUNKS owner will gain MAJOR EXCLUSIVITY TOO
Owning a Gold Bordered PUNK will bring you a powerful, exclusive benefit unlike anything we have ever shared before. This is in ADDITION to the outstanding benefits of being a T4 HOLDER of our token — which we believe EVERYONE needs to be, especially at the lucky, discounted rate of our token that is easily 30x undervalued as it stands.
Gold Border TABOOPUNK Special Utility Unveil
We will be ANNOUNCING this REVOLUTIONARY UTILITY for owning a Gold Bordered PUNK on:
Monday, June 27th @ 4PM UTC time zone
We have seen sales of 5 ETH, and upwards of 10ETH on Gold Bordered PUNKS
We have also seen sales of Gold Bordered PUNKS on DISCOUNT at 1.5 ETH and 3 ETH respectively.
This is JUST the BEGINNING!!
Keep an eye out because this UTILITY ADD will be boosting the inherent value of a Gold Bordered PUNK exponentionally!
Remember as well — ALL THE TABOOPUNKS you own have inherent baseline utility. This is a key point I’d like to re-iterate. Owning a PUNK, whether Bronze, Silver, or Gold, will bring you benefits to the world of TABOO. There WILL be even more utility adds for all kinds of PUNKS over time too.
We look forward to sharing this fantastic news with you all on the date above. Again, mark your calendars — You will WANT to own one, the demand will rise, and there is ALREADY a limited supply of them!
On behalf of the core team at $TABOO,
Yours truly,
- Majid
- Chief of Operations