Taboo Token
5 min readApr 29, 2022


To our loyal and dedicated community,

Round 1 Claims are CURRENTLY UNDERWAY!

Some of you have noticed that although you are part of the first Claim Round, you could not claim all of your NFTS you have purchased. We were aware of the situation where many of you have bought x amount of NFTs but you were only able to claim less than that amount, and this was because these addresses have bought the punks in 2 or more transactions, so, as we fed the addresses to the DAPP, many addresses were repeated many times with the corresponding amount of NFTs that they bought in that transaction, and as a result the DAPP only counted the first time the address was mentioned on the list with the corresponding NFT amount.

Partial Claims NFT Issue Fixed

We are happy to share that the partial claims issue has now been fixed. This means that anyone who either (with a wallet that was ALREADY eligible in Round 1 Claiming)

a) Claimed partial NFTs and have NFTS remaining

b) Decided not to claim partially, and were waiting to claim them all at once

Should now successfully be able to claim as part of our Round 1 TABOOPUNKS NFT Claiming process!

Round 2 Claiming

If you have not been included in Round 1, please don’t worry. The addresses for these NFT claims have been hardcoded into the smart contract on this round. These are for people who purchased from a wallet from verified addresses, and are not part of the below reasonings:

Individuals not in Round 1/will be in Round 2 Claiming
For anyone who purchased from a CEX. This is also mostly for the individuals who either A) did not update or inform us to verify their Exchange Txns B) had a significantly high amount of NFTs purchased on our previous Google Form for pre-sales on the PUNKS earlier on or C) Bought from the Google Form and we did not have enough clarity based on how it was filled out for their initial purchases in our presale

In other words, the partial claims issue has been fixed, meaning that all eligible wallets that were included already in Round 1 Claiming can now happily claim their NFTS, or the remaining NFTS if they’ve partially claimed.

From now until Round 2, if anyone was NOT included in Round 1 Claiming, please send an email to:

with as much transaction information as possible for us to ready the next set of wallets for Round 2 Claiming, as there were particular reasons as to why your wallets were not included. In the time Round 1 Claimees are receiving their punks, we will be continuing the necessary cross references for your cases from e-mails sent to us.

Updated/Revised End Date to Round 1 Claiming

Our initial date upon launch of claiming these PUNKS included a 2 Week time-frame to claim.

We are now pushing our final claim date for Round 1 to be a total of 1 Week to the end of:

***** Tuesday, May 3rd 2022 ******

Any wallets that have not successfully claimed in Round 1, we will move to Round 2, but after Round 2, if there are still wallets who have not claimed, we will evaluate based on the numbers remaining who haven’t on what we will do with those remaining PUNKS.

Reminder of Claim Method Information:

As you can see on our link. All NFTs are unrevealed at this time. Upon the first claim round being complete the first set of NFT will then be revealed. This means traits will not be shown yet until our first claim round is over but you will receive your NFTs. You are free to try to sell them, but this is not advisable — as the traits have not shown up yet — but at least you now have your NFTs in your hands. The deadline for round 1 claims will now be 3rd May 23.59 Pacific PST Time as a revised mentioned earlier.

We will then start a second claim round and have those NFTs still unrevealed until the 2nd claim round is over.

How to Claim Instructions:

Steps To Claim Your TabooPunk NFT On Computer
1. Head over to, or simply and then click the TabooPunks drop down that directs you to anyways
2.Metamask would automatically ask to connect to your wallet, If not prompted automatically please click on the top right corner where it says “ Connect Metamask”.
3.If you are not using Metamask , please click on the “ Connect Wallet-Connect” Button to open Wallet connect and choose your appropriate Wallet.
4.After connecting your wallet to the dapp , you can view the number of NFTs you can claim.
5. Press the claim button to claim your nft and metamask would pop up asking for confirmation. The key here is to wait for the gas price to go below 40 gwei to claim the NFT, your NFT is going no-where so please wait till the gas price is low to save gas. The lower the standard GWEI at the time, the lower the cost to claim.
6. After confirming the transaction, you may go over to opensea and view your NFT in your wallet.

  • Common Tips and Solutions*
  • 1. If for some reason you are not able to claim via mobile , import your wallet to metamask desktop extension and try claiming using a computer.
  • 2. If you encounter any issue with wallet connect , we would recommend downloading Metamask Mobile app , then import your wallet and claim from the metamask browser
  • 3. Another way you can try is to scan your wallet QR Code from your Mobile Wallet onto your PC, and claim from your PC (important and useful for Mobile only wallets)
  • 4. Use your Wallets’ internal browser — the DAPP is much more responsive on Mobile if you do it directly from the Wallets’ browser as it’s Web 3.0.
  • 5. Send an email to if you are experiencing any other issues/difficulties

This claim fee will vary depending when you try to claim. For example at 60gwei 1 TabooPunk claim is $30, but to claim 40 Taboopunks it’s $260 so the more punks owned the less the fees will be. If gwei is 30, it’ll be even less. For example, roughly $15–20 for one NFT and $140 for 40 NFTs. The cost goes down further as more NFTs get claimed. We have actually done quite a bit of work into reducing the costs to this level as it stands for the users, but you can view and track on this following site what the current GWEI looks like:

Support Contact Reminder:

Again, for any issues or queries on claiming your TabooPunks please contact us by using the following email address.

HAPPY CLAIMING EVERYONE! And again, for anyone who has not been eligible for Round 1, you will be included in Round 2 for claims.



-Chief of Operations on Taboo



Taboo Token
Taboo Token

Written by Taboo Token

$TABOO is an entertainment and publishing blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create a unique user and holder experience.

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