TABOO Post-Mansion Event News

Taboo Token
4 min readAug 23, 2022


To our loyal and dedicated community,


We successfully created, launched, and executed a world-class, live event marking the first of MANY as we continue to strengthen and build the entertainment side of our BUSINESS!

Congratulations to the T4 Holders that attended. This was a weekend to REMEMBER!

Our models, photographers, and other TABOO team and project-related personnel/individuals have told us, unanimously, that this was a 12/10 Event, unique, and one-of-a-kind!

Not only that, but people who attended it labelled it as the “Networking Event of the Year”

We have now created what I like to call the “DNA Backbone” for future events, and we could not be more thrilled to share some of what is COMING NEXT!

Core Event Focuses

Our event was hosted in Phuket, Thailand for the August 13th-15th days, respectively.

While our partnered models had the TIME OF THEIR LIVES, alongside our T4 Holders, on a strategic business standpoint, our focus was as follows:

1) Create timeless NFT Art to showcase on our Marketplace

2) Produce commercialized, promotional videos that encapsulate the atmosphere, essence, and EXPERIENCE of being at our Mansion Event, providing tangibility for what was missed, and to attract more individuals to future events

3) Create Digital Magazine Content, and set the stage for creative $TABOO events (which we have not shared yet)

4) Social Media promotional content for brand-building

5) Website Content

6) Generate BUZZ and get the word out on WHAT TABOO IS ALL ABOUT

7) Create the start of $TABOO Merchandise

8) Provide Proof of Concept for the Entertainment side of our business, and to strengthen the use-case of our TABOOPUNKS live-event utilities now that this one is SUCCESSFULLY DONE!

9) MARKET, MARKET, MARKET all the content and first event success TO THE WORLD!!

Besides user satisfaction and experience, our aim was to capture the essence of what this event was all about, and we CANNOT WAIT to share with you the strategic content that will be used for marketing pushes.

Interestingly enough, for some of the T4 Holders that did attend, there was some fantastic deal-making that went on between each other for their own personal businesses. This tells us that these events are a fantastic networking opportunity as well!

What to Expect

Our photographers, and videographers are hard at work producing the content that we will be sharing with you all!

Expect an introductory video to come out in the immediate short-term, and website revamps, along with some SERIOUS media marketing pushes as we do now have some big media companies that are on our side

Expect to also see many more model partner announcements, as we have generated quite a lot of interest for our next event

Second Mansion Event

We can OFFICIALLY confirm that we have LOCKED IN a new country and a SECOND Mansion Event!

If you missed attending our first event, or are not a T4 HOLDER yet, make sure to do so because we will be announcing this IMMINENTLY!

We are strategically targeting the Asian Markets as part of our global marketing plan, so this next country WILL be in ASIA again!!!

This is expected to be hosted and run in November of this year!

Other TABOO Topics

A) Our TABOOPUNKS collection will be getting shown some major attention as we have created and are going to implement some creative new utilities to help drive demand and price action on them!

B) News section of our website is under construction

C) Certik Audit is ACTUALLY going to be wrapped up as we are now committed to getting this completed once and for all. Thank you all for your patience

D) We will be releasing news a little later this week around the Reveals and what is going on with our TABOOPUNKS — especially as we are noticing, still, some last second claimers who want to receive their TABOOPUNKS!

Note: These last moment claimers we will engage in a different protocol to help them acquire their TABOOPUNKS. Anyone who has sent emails to they will be responded to, directly, by Majid (COO) by the end of the week!

E) Exchange discussions are still in progress as we look to list on the RIGHT next exchange

F) All other aspects of the $TABOO Roadmap such as Marketplace Development and our Metaverse Development is all happening concurrently, in the background. Remember, there are many moving parts to what makes TABOO a dominant cryptocurrency brand in this adult entertainment space.

While there is much more to share, the purpose of this Medium Article was to narrow in and focus around our Post-Mansion Event plans, and provide some tangible updates to our beloved community.

Stay tuned for more as we embark on TABOO 2.0 ‘s evolved path to greatness and global domination!

Best regards,

  • Majid
  • Chief of Operations @ TABOO



Taboo Token

$TABOO is an entertainment and publishing blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create a unique user and holder experience.