Taboo Community Bi-Weekly Update 26th August 2022
Welcome to the Taboo bi-weekly update:
Welcome to the Taboo Community Bi Weekly Update. In order to keep the community informed of developments and core information, with a high degree of honesty and transparency, this report will be sent out every two weeks if at all possible. It aims to bring all the various threads and deliverables together in one short and sharp update.
So what has been happening in recent weeks?:
The recent focus of the Taboo project over the last 2–3 weeks, since the last update, has been to prepare for and then deliver the first ever Taboo mansion party. This involved a lot of work by the core team as it was vitally important to get this event just right. So lets jump straight into this below…
Taboo Mansion Party:
The Taboo mansion took place over the 13th,14th,15th of August in Phuket, Thailand. Some tier 4 holders attended along with the Taboo Girls, a celebrity Chef, DJ, Photographer and cameraman as well as the rest of the event staff ranging from Yacht skipper and crew to event catering services. It is very easy to forget the amount of hard work it takes to set-up and deliver such a high class VIP event. The planning involved to ensure that a perfect event takes place is immense and has taken up the vast majority of the time of the taboo team over the past few weeks. Everything listed below and more needed to be thought and managed through,
- Arranging and setting up the venue / ensuring top quality accommodation for attendees/ Arranging the catering with catering staff/ Ensuring the DJ with equipment is all set up/The bar with a wonderful drinks menu set up and staffed/ Getting the TabooGirls on flights and over to Phuket/Ensuring the celebrity Chef Jack Lee arrived at the event with the required kitchen set up and ingredients to serve such great food/Chartering the Super Yacht with the required crew and skipper/Ensuring the firework display is top class/Setting up and managing the photoshoots/Looking after the guests during the event/and all the extras that go unseen.
Anyone who has ever worked in event planning/management will know that all this did not just ‘Happen’. Every detail took planning and hard work from the team. The end result was a great event and more importantly a really solid blue-print/proof of concept for future events. This is the start of the real world element of Taboo, it was an important milestone in the road map for taboo and its investors and proved to all investors that Taboo is a real living and breathing crypto project.
The marketplace is looking good. Its stable and largely error free. Incidents being raised by the community are minimal. The marketplace can best be described as now being a really good baseline for future developments. The core elements are in place and its a great springboard from which to move forward. The Dev team are monitoring any incidents and have been actively working on improvements.
Ok, hands up, the focus of the team has recently been on the Taboo Mansion party and the Taboo Brand as a whole over recent weeks. However, this focus will have a direct positive impact on the TabooPunks and any other Taboo NFT’s. As the brand grows everything else will grow with it. The community can expect more focus on the TabooPunks over the coming weeks. If you have missed the three claim rounds that took place so far you will need to e-mail to request your punks. Any escalations should go to @MattabooCM in Telegram or Discord.
Work on an updated whitepaper is ongoing and the CTO and Devs are now adding content, however, they are juggling various priorities right now. Please be patient a little longer. But it has progressed and is getting closure to completion.
Competition Winners:
Apologies for the delay in getting prizes out to winners. This has started, some community members have already shared their prizes in the main chat groups and all winners of the various competitions held recently will be contacted and prizes given out. Please note that some investors who purchased 10 bnb worth of taboo in a special promotion will be getting their gold bordered Taboo Punks, we just need further reveals to be able to get you these punks. It will happen and thanks for your patience on this point.
We recently announced that Ivy Ferguson has joined the Taboo family. With hundreds of thousands of twitter and instagram followers she is an exciting addition. Plus she looks absolutely amazing!!
A full photo shoot at the Mansion Party took place so expect to see some new NFT content on the marketplace soon.
What is the focus for the next two weeks?
Taboo Mansion Party Post Event Content:
Over the coming week or two the community will get to see some of the content that was gathered from the Taboo Mansion Party. Our photographers, and videographers are hard at work producing the content that will be shared with you all! Expect an introductory video to come out in the immediate short-term, and website revamps, along with some SERIOUS media marketing pushes as we do now have some big media companies that are on our side. The content gained from this party is so valuable to the Taboo brand and Taboo journey. This content, which included shots of our CEO and COO make Taboo real and adds to its legitimacy as a brand.
Hooray! it has been confirmed that completing the final three Certik compliance actions will now take priority! This is confirmed by Majid and James as its clear that the community expect this to be finished off. It will be great to have Certik sign-off before any future bull run. Sorry for the delays on this matter but its now top of the list now some other pressing deliverables have been completed. We don’t have a date yet but its top of the pile.
Marketplace development:
Now that the main features for the Marketplace version 1 have been completed the team can now turn their attention to whats coming next. Version 2 and version 3 features and releases can be designed and planned in more detail. The taboo Metaverse can start to turn into a reality. So please watch out for more announcements from the team about whats coming form what is now a very well functioning Dev team. Also the content from the Taboo Mansion Party photo shoot will be uploaded onto the marketplace soon. The marketplace is supported 24/7 by the team so please continue to raise any issues by e-mailing Any feedback or suggestions of Marketplace improvements such as cosmetic and usability improvements should be raised by e-mailing Any escalations please DM the Community Manager @MatTabooCM who will be happy to help.
We know the community is keen to find out about the revealing of the TabooPunks collection and we will be releasing news during the next week around the Reveals and what is going on with our Taboo Punks as well as next steps on marketing etc. Last minute claimers need to get their punks also , please e-mail to ensure you get the punks you ordered.
This will also be getting more focus over the coming weeks. Rest assured the team know this whitepaper is a key deliverable to get done before we enter the next bull market!. Please be patient with us on this.👍
The Roadmap has been updated on the website recently, taking taboo future development into Q1 2023. This Roadmap will also be added into the Taboo whitepaper that is being written.
Discussions are still ongoing with a very high profile model. This model is known for her more X rated work. The socials of this model reach over 5 million people! Nothing is guaranteed but we wanted to share this information with the community. Fingers crossed and watch this space. Also a lot of interest has come our way from a lot of high class models since the taboo mansion party so we expect the number of models linked with the Taboo brand to increase so expect to see more model partner announcements in the weeks to come.
Exchange Discussions:
The core team are continuing to discuss a new exchange listing and are in touch with a couple of CEX’s. More info will be shared as this progresses.
Other Areas of Interest:
Taboo Team Structure:
Take a look at our Organisational structure below. This will be kept up-to-date in this report moving forward. This Org chart suits the needs of the Taboo project at this time but will always be kept under review as we move forward to meet any additional needs.
Taboo Girls List:
Please see the up-to-date list of Taboo Girls. This list will be kept up-to-date in this report moving forward.
Khloe Terea (Brand Ambassador) / Chloe Avenheim / Holly Barker / CJ Sparxx / Jenni Summers / Syd Wilder / Marie Madore / CJ Franco / Anya Benton / Claudia Fijal / Noel Leon / Quiggle Ignacio / Anastasia Nova / Ivy Ferguson
Another report will follow in two weeks. Please DM @MatTabooCM if you have any suggestions for improvements or additional areas that this report could include.
Many Thanks
Taboo Team