Taboo Community Bi-Weekly Update 23rd June 2022

Taboo Token
6 min readJun 23, 2022


Welcome to the Taboo bi-weekly update:

Welcome to the Taboo Community Bi Weekly Update. In order to keep the community informed of developments and core information, with a high degree of honesty and transparency, this report will be sent out every two weeks. It aims to bring all the various threads and deliverables together in one short and sharp update.

So what has been happening in recent weeks?:

The recent focus of the Taboo project has been to resolve any incidents raised by the community and implement improvements to the much improved Marketplace that launched in early June. Also ensuring the Taboo Punk claim round 3 has been successful. And not to forget some cool marketing for the Taboo Mansion Party due to take place this August!.


The Dev team have been working hard, under the direction of our CTO, to ensure that all incidents raised by the community have been responded to and fixed where possible. These issues were mostly to do with staking and ensuring people could see the their stakes. Also ensuring loyal long term stakers were on the correct APY and refunding anyone who got charged 4% for withdrawing their stakes. The team has also been helping community members who mistakenly withdrew their stakes and wanted to restake and receive the enhanced 26% APY. The Dev team have done well to respond and fix any issues whilst also improving the site following user acceptance testing and feedback from the community. Please continue to raise issues with the Marketplace, including feedback for improvements, to the email and any escalations should go to the community manager @MattabooCM.


Round 3 of punks claiming has been happening over the last two weeks and is still ongoing. This round and the subsequent reveal of the taboopunks on Opensea is taking a little longer than planned. The additional time is due to there being mostly owners of multiple punks claiming in this round and special individual attention is needed to help people with lots of punks. During this time the floor price for the punks is beginning to rise, imagine how these punks could rise in price when the Taboo Mansion Party and the live TV interviews take place! This will probably be the final round of claims, following which a process for anyone who still hasn’t claimed will be communicated. So watch out for further communications.


Work on an updated whitepaper is ongoing and the CTO and Devs are now adding content to it now they have some time following the Marketplace launch. Please be patient a little longer.

New Taboo girl announced:

As promised in the last bi-weekly update we have announced a new Taboo girl. So lets welcome the stunning Anastasia Nova to the Taboo fold. Please give this news a like and share on Twitter.

Taboo Mansion Party:

The Taboo mansion party will be happening between the 12th and 15th of August. This event will include, along with other things, a VIP Party, a super-yacht day trip with models and even a photo-shoot with the Models. This is for top Tier level 4 holders who are holding a minimum of $10,000 of Taboo tokens. It will be very exclusive and an event of a lifetime!. A snapshot of the top tier holders will be taken at the end of June and invites with location details will be sent out to those top tier invitees. A fully expensed schedule for qualified Tier 4 holders. Recently it has been announced that we will have Lana Scolaro, a very well known DJ with over 1 million instagram followers will be our official mansion DJ!!

What is the focus for the next two weeks?

Marketplace development:

The Devs are moving towards a more business as usual approach to the Marketplace now that the initial urgent snags and community incidents have been dealt with. Many fixes have been done and the the list of snags is reducing and will be finally eliminated altogether. Some of the main new features and what to expect from the Marketplace are as follows:

  • New NFT Contract / Faster Loading / Enhanced Security / Added logic to read staked balance for tier access / Added logic to read Taboo Punks for tier access / Revamped search, sort and filter options / Collection page where you can access all NFT’s purchased / Staking withdrawal activated / Revamped annual staking % logic with daily interest additions.

Any staking issues or other Marketplace problems or questions should be raised by e-mailing Any escalations please DM the Community Manager @MatTabooCM.

TabooPunks claim round 3:

TabooPunks claiming round 3 is still ongoing. The additional time needed to help community members who purchased multiple punks means that it is likely to still be open for a further 5–7 days before reveal on Opensea can happen. This will likely be the final claim round and any punks still unclaimed being held for future claiming if any purchaser contacts the Taboo team at a later date. The process for this will be communicated later. If you have any remaining claim issues or questions please e-mail Any escalations of TabooPunks issues please DM the Community Manager @MatTabooCM.

Taboo Mansion Party Marketing:

Along with other marketing for the Marketplace and the TabooPunks the team are now ramping up marketing for Taboo Mansion Party. Some very exciting announcements will follow separately so watch this space! Recently our DJ was announced, please like and share the tweet below.

Whitepaper and Roadmap:

Work is continuing on the Taboo Whitepaper and Roadmap with an aim to get them finished within the coming weeks, we hope to get the whitepaper out to the community prior to the next Bi-Weekly update, please be patient with us on this.👍


Work to get the remaining couple of actions to enable Certik approval stalled as it required Dev team involvement who were full steam on the Marketplace right now. The team still aims to get these done asap. Apologies for the delay on this but the team aim to get this fully completed by the end of this month but this may creep into July as there is so much going on right now.

Other Areas of Interest:

Taboo Team Structure:

Take a look at our Organisational structure below. This will be kept up-to-date in this report moving forward. This Org chart suits the needs of the Taboo project at this time but will always be kept under review as we move forward to meet any additional needs.

Taboo Girls List:

Please see the up-to-date list of Taboo Girls. This list will be kept up-to-date in this report moving forward.

Khloe Terea (Brand Ambassador) / Chloe Avenheim / Holly Barker / CJ Sparxx / Jenni Summers / Syd Wilder / Marie Madore / CJ Franco / Anya Benton / Claudia Fijal / Noel Leon / Quiggle Ignacio / Anastasia Nova


The last photo-shoot was held in LA in March. The team are happy with the amount of content we have and there is plenty of content to load up onto the new MP. The next photo-shoot will be planned for July. More details on this will follow, hopefully in the next bi-weekly update.

Another report will follow in two weeks. Please DM @MatTabooCM if you have any suggestions for improvements or additional areas that this report could include.

Many Thanks

Taboo Team



Taboo Token
Taboo Token

Written by Taboo Token

$TABOO is an entertainment and publishing blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create a unique user and holder experience.

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