Powersoft x Taboo Token Marketplace Development Partnership
We have been teasing a huge announcement for days. People have been impatiently waiting for the information. So, here it is:
Our NFT Marketplace Developer is Powersoft. They have released a statement, in support of this new partnership, which is attached to the end of this article.
Our marketplace features are also being announced! They are, as follows:
NFT Marketplace Interoperability Platform.
To be built on Plasma, to make cross-chain easy to accomplish.
- Fiat to Crypto on-ramp capabilities.
- Syrup Pool style staking for the Taboo Token, to generate our secondary token, which will be used for limited governance and platform participation.
- Farming Pool style staking, for choice coins, from outside our platform, to generate either Taboo Token or the secondary Token, depending on purpose of pool and current Taboo ecosystem environment.
- Low, as possible, transaction fees, with every transaction on these pools, to maximize pool potential and minimize unnecessary user costs.
- Ability to support NFT 721 and NFT 1155, as well as standard media, like streaming, pictures, etc.
- Virtual Reality Compatibility with the platform media.
- We are exploring the concept of personal VR showrooms, for viewing and display of your Taboo collections. As well as, fully customizable features.
- Mobile Compatibility, for a mobile use experience.
- Seamless FT to NFT transactions.
- Taboo Marketplace Tier System
a. First, each Tier will have the ability for content creators to sell their content either a la carte or as part of a subscription service, priced per tier, to allow for flexible pricing for both users and content creators. The subscriptions may be adjusted by content creators, upward, but there will be a minimum amount that must be charged per tier, allowing for selective pricing.
i. NOTE* all staking amounts and dollar quotes in this document are all preliminary and subject to change at any time to fit Taboo’s goals.
ii. NOTE** If you do not own Taboo Tokens and have not staked them on our platform, you WILL NOT gain access to ANY tier benefits.
b. Tier 1: Any amount of Taboo Tokens staked. Grants access to free teaser materials, of higher tiers. As well as, certain types of content, each content creator has decided to place here. The SFW tier. Lewds, lingerie, Cosplay, and anything else our content creators desire.
i. Ability to enter into Taboo giveaways, contests, and other events.
ii. Access to the Taboo Member’s Forum section.
iii. Ability to peruse the content creator selection, crafted specifically by Taboo for our members, for any content those creators have decided to place on Tier 1.
iv. Access to any sort of erotic stories, games, or other interactive material each content creator makes available, at this tier.
v. 5% discount on anything in the Taboo Merchandise Store.
c. Tier 2: A minimum of 5 million Taboo staked. Grants access to the NSFW content level. This would be full nudes, any sort of hot naked action, solo play, strip teases, and anything shy of pornographic material. It also grants access to any free material Taboo releases, that is full nude, solo play, strip teases, edging, or other similar materials.
i. Everything in Tier 1.
ii. Grants access to Chat with your favorite content creators.
iii. This can be video chat or simply text, in a group chat, according to the content creators’ preferences.
iv. 2x chance to win in Taboo giveaways, contests, and other events.
v. 10% additional discount on anything in the Taboo Merchandise Store.
vi. You also gain access to some of the more exclusive content that each content creator deems worthy of being a Tier 2 item.
d. Tier 3: A minimum of 10 million Taboo staked. Grants access to the XXX part of the platform (PLANNED FOR LATER). This is where the explicit sexual content will be contained. Any sort of sexually explicit material that our content creators want to provide. Videos, Video NFTs, sexually explicit pictures, and anything else content creators wish to provide.
i. Everything in Tier 1 and 2.
ii. Grants access to private Chat with your favorite content creator. Video chat is guaranteed, if the content creator opts to use this level.
iii. 3x chance to win in Taboo giveaways, contests, and other events.
iv. Access to private messaging with your favorite content creator.
v. Access to personal requests, with your favorite content creator. Be it a pair of panties, shorts, them to read you a story you wrote, or anything else the content creator is willing to entertain.
vi. Access to Exclusive Taboo Online Events.
vii. 15% additional discount on anything in the Taboo Merchandise Store.
viii. Most importantly, this tier is where some of the more exclusive content is held, depending on the content creator’s preferences.
e. Tier 4. A minimum of 50 million Taboo staked.
i. Everything in Tiers 1, 2, and 3.
ii. Access, as a guest, to Taboo Private Events, either online or out in the world.
iii. Chances to possibly meet your favorite content creators, if they are willing and able to do so, in a mutually safe setting created and managed by Taboo.
iv. Also, the opportunity to buy the most exclusive elements of our most exclusive models’ collections. That you cannot get, anywhere else.
11. Additional Token.
a. There will be a limited governance token created, as a reward to Taboo Stakers, to be used in the following ways:
b. people that refer persons to Taboo’s varied services,
c. Tipping and rewarding content creators for performances, messages, or anything else,
d. Voting on upcoming content creators, as to whether we should bring them onto the platform or not.
e. Participating in events that do not require Taboo Tokens, to participate in.
f. This will be a later addition to the Marketplace, to be implemented, once the Marketplace is up and operating.
12. Monetization Strategy.
a. The Taboo platform will be an open, advertisement platform, curated by the Taboo team. Our intention is to support our fellow crypto and adult industry startups, keep the theme consistent, but available. So, ad space will be provided on the landing page, as well as throughout the platform.
b. Not enough to be invasive, but enough to generate decent revenue.
c. We will also provide a space for new crypto coins to place their name, much like CoinSniper or similar platforms. We started from nothing and appreciate the difficulty of building an opportunity in this space. We are here to help our industry fellows promote their coins.
d. We, however, have no plans to investigate or curate this list, at this time, to test for rugs, honeypots, or anything similar. Purely informational.
e. As an adult industry coin, we will favor all adult industry related coins, and will provide farming pools for these coins, within the platform, that will generate our governance token, as well as collaborative marketing. The purpose is to grow the adult crypto industry, as much as possible.
f. This brings more people to our platform, and provides participation tokens, which benefits Taboo as a whole.
g. Additionally, it brings the possibility of sponsored referral campaigns to benefit both Taboo and the sponsored token, through increased platform engagement.
h. Competition is not something to kill. It is something to nurture, as it brings out the best in both innovation and customer expectation.
i. Taboo will take a transaction fee/commission fee off any content sold on the marketplace. This will be determined at a later date, when the marketplace is up and going. It will be competitive, in comparison with other industry marketplaces.
j. All free content will be free of any commission from us, minus whatever transaction fees come along with claiming it.
k. Taboo will earn a set percentage portion of every subscription, based on the price of each subscription. This will be competitively priced.
l. Taboo will also earn revenue off of Merchandise sales, including sponsored or promoted sales, through its Merchandise Store. This will be determined on an ad hoc basis.
NOTE: All content created by Models or other creators, will be owned by that creator or model, outright. Unless the content was created, specifically for Taboo, the content will be owned by the content creator, including future and past royalties, for sale. However, Taboo does and will reserve the right to use any content placed upon the website for display and marketing purposes, to help promote Taboo and its platform.
If you aren’t on the Taboo train now, you won’t get another chance.
Now you know, exactly what we are doing. This is set to be one of the most advanced marketplaces on blockchain. A true market disruptor. We are Taboo.
Taboo is a cross-chain, NFT marketplace. It provides the top talent, in adult entertainment. Its exclusive tiered marketplace and curated content creator library, creates a sense of scarcity, in an oversaturated market. A true, market disruptor, it aims to combine gamification, through decentralized finance principals, and content provision, through NFTs and assorted media presentations. This synergy puts Taboo, a cut above the competitors, in the Blockchain sphere.
Taboo Website: https://taboo.community
Taboo Social Links: https://linktr.ee/tabooofficial