Post-Marketplace V1 Launch Updates

Taboo Token
7 min readDec 26, 2021


Firstly, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! We, at the core team at Taboo, hope you are all keeping safe, and enjoying important family time as we wrap up 2021!

Marketplace Introduction

We can proudly say that our first version Marketplace launch has been a smashing success!! We have had TENS of thousands of dollars of NFTS successfully bought, with more content being uploaded DAILY and nearly 60 Million TABOO has been staked! From community feedback it is clear that our content is top quality too. We are aware that there may be some clarifications needed on some aspects of our Marketplace, but remember, with any product launch for a company of our large-scale magnitude, there will always be minor bugs, and additional improvements, and fixes to be made hour by hour and day by day as we continue to scale, and develop this Brand into where it is destined to be: a Top 10 Crypto. What we know for sure is that all functionalities are working, and our marketplace is secure, and safe.

Previous Beta Launch Info

In the previous BETA launches that we had, there are a few solutions still being conducted, from previous issues that are no longer with us now, which are as follows:

Previous Beta Launch

A) Bought NFTS

Anyone who had bought an NFT from our previous beta launch, but didn’t receive it, it will be automatically sent to your wallet

B) Double Purchases

  • Anyone who did a double purchase on the select few cases in the past beta version, and was unsuccessful in receiving an NFT, will be getting refunded their TABOO tokens
  • Anyone who tried to buy an NFT before, and it failed but tokens were still absorbed, will also be getting refunded their TABOO Tokens

C) Previous Beta Launch Stakers

  • Anyone who staked on 1st launch, before we implemented a taxless staking protocol, they will be refunded the 7% TABOO token tax they incurred! Why? Because we have updated our Staking Protocol to ensure that it is taxless for both deposits and withdrawals for all users, and are aware it is not fair that previous stakers, on a previous BETA launch product, have to take on old tax protocols for staking
  • Some old stakers from 1st launch are still noticing their “Stake” Balances are not reflecting. Please do not worry — our Dev Team is manually updating the data, and retroactively updating the new APY of 16% and your Interest Earned over the last month will be reflected and updated too!

All of these points above will reflect in the next 24–48 hours

Current Launch Updates

D) BSC Tax Tokenomics

  • Our TXN tax is normally 7% on all buys and sells — with 4% to LP/Marketing, 2% redistributions, and 1% to burns. Within the next 12–24 hours, our redistribution tax will be removed and the new BSC Tax Tokenomics will be as follows:

3% LP/Marketing and 1% Burns

E) Current Launch Staking

  • There is a minimum 3 month lock-up period for an APY of 16% Anyone who staked last month, on 1st launch, if you notice a discreptancy in the data, do not worry — this is being updated manually by our Dev Team to reflect interest earned over that month, and to reflect current APY values.
  • Our Staking protocol is a centralized staking protocol. How we were able to circumvent the on-chain BSC tax tokenomics is by shifting to a centralized staking protocol. The TABOO team is funding and handling the 4% tax tokenomics fees to ensure taxless staking on deposits, and withdrawals.

This means, when one stakes, you will see the FULL Stake amount on platform.

Interest earned will be reflected weekly on platform

Withdrawals, if one chooses after the 3 month lock-up period, will mean the user will receive their initial, full stake amount, and all Interest earned with 0% fees.

  • In the near future, we are considering moving into and phasing into a fully decentralized defi staking system that includes Liquidity LP Mining, but for now, the reason to have done centralized staking above is to bypass the tax tokenomics of our BSC native token so you can all happily stake without losing APY returns on deposits, and withdrawals. For this reason, we are very happy to have this kind of staking protocol in place!
  • Lastly: Staking does NOT IMPACT your Tiering level. If you stake $5,000 of TABOO, for example, you WILL still have T3 Access on the Marketplace

Viewing your Staking

  • In order to view your Stakes, you must login and connect with your Wallet. Go to “Stakes” and view your Staked amount.
  • We are aware that some users are still not seeing their Stake Balances. Remember one thing: Staking is successfully working. You can view on BSC Scan that the Stake transactions went through. For these particular users, the stake data will reflect asap.

F) Farming

Farming gives an APY of 20%. Please note that you will need to create LP pairings of TABOO (TABOO-BNB pair) on Pancakeswap, and you need to then use the LP tokens on the Farming page to successfully farm. Farming data can be reviewed, and seen on the farming page. There are no lock-up periods for farming.

G) Viewing your NFTs

Make sure your Wallet is connected and Go to “All Transactions to view your NFT List

Importing NFT to your wallet:

Add NFT Contract Address 0x4151D7b1984a1C08cEF902d36b353Cc217b2aE1B and Your token ID from “All Transactions” page
Click Import to see the NFT in your wallet.

H) Reselling NFTs

  • Resell feature will be coming live in a matter of days — estimated time is 7–10 days.
  • We are creating our Marketplace to imitate and work like Openseas, where buyers of NFTs can also re-sell their NFTs on our Marketplace, and there will be price history shown, previous bid information, etc. We are excited to phase this in, but until then, enjoy your End of Year NFT shopping for these rare, exclusive, and scarce NFT assets!

Support Queries

We urge all users of our platform to please e-mail our Dev Support Team who are working around the clock to cater to any individual needs, or concerns. As mentioned, with a product of this magnitude, we are aware that there can be some minor clarifications, or singular issues for users that need addressing.

To anyone who had sent e-mails to we found out there have been some issues in receiving of the emails

****Please redirect all support queries to *****

****You can also direct support queries directly on platform too in the Contact Us section, reflecting this new e-mail****

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Our dev team will ensure any and all issues will be dealt with swiftly.

Marketplace Improvements

As you are all aware, this is our V1 Product Launch. We have 2 more major phases of development coming — Version 2 and Version 3. We always say that there will still never be a final product, because we will always improve on what we currently have. Our Whitepaper reflects all the amazing features that will be coming — from interactions with creators, active tipping, private shows, Tier 4 implementation on the MP, Live parties, TABOO Mansion, even Metaverse we will explore down the line, VR, and much, much, more!

Updated UI/UX

We are aiming for the end of the Year/into early January to update our entire UI. We have a brand new UI that is nearly completed. If you are all already happy with the current design, and feel of our platform, you will be EVEN MORE HAPPY with what we will be releasing IMMINENTLY HERE!! Domain

This domain, which we paid in the 6 Figures Range for, in USD$$$, and which is a testament to the long-term mindset and thinking of our project that will also bring more mid-term value for its marketability (considering we own the ONLY domain with just TABOO in it, and .io being crypto centric), will be phased in with our new UI update above. We are super excited and can’t wait for this.

In the meantime, anyone who types will be redirected to our officiallytaboo platform domain.


TABOOPunks we always said will be sent shortly after MP launch. The community consensus is we go with ETH Openseas (not BSC) so stay tuned for news and announcements on that. Our main focus was to get our MP up and running first, and now we can focus more closely on TABOOPunks distributions. Stay tuned for more news and information around the TABOOPunks!


There is only so much we can write in one Medium Article. As much as I want to write, and update more, we will provide more Medium Article updates as we always do. For now, we thank our community for being so kind, patient, and understanding of all that went on before, and we urge our community to please continue to provide as much feedback as possible and to send queries to . We value our community feedback greatly, and we will continue to push to turn this into the Global Household Adult Entertainment Crypto Brand that anyone and everyone around the world LOVES, KNOWS, USES, and ADORES!

Thank you all for your time,

Best regards,


Chief of Operations



Taboo Token

$TABOO is an entertainment and publishing blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create a unique user and holder experience.