Open Letter From TABOO CEO

Taboo Token
4 min readMay 22, 2023


There has been an ongoing campaign recently to attack Taboo and me, the CEO and founder. Allow me to answer these claims and share some personal thoughts.

On the topic of doxxing myself.

From the launch of TABOO in 2021, I have mentioned in several AMAs, articles, and conversations, that I will not dox myself at that moment in time for a few reasons. One was that along with Taboo, I had several other businesses and one of them was going through a buyout in 2021.

The transaction for this exit was finalized in April 2022, just around the beginning of the crypto bear market at which point I was already receiving unwarranted threats and intimidation due to the fall in the general decline of the market. I was advised to not dox myself for the safety of my family, but I was always ready to do so under the right circumstances, and you’ll be pleased to know I hereby confirm I will fully Dox myself at our next Mansion event and I hope to see you there.

It is also important to highlight I am not the only owner of Taboo, we have several other founders and investors who are also very successful high-net-worth individuals and executives. One of our founders is a very high-profile individual awarded for charitable work.

Another claim being made, an accusation that the alias Charles is myself is dumbfounding, to say the least. As with most of our large holders, we have a good rapport and he has confirmed to me he will also be at the next Mansion event.

Every Taboo member has the opportunity to meet me in person, as several of them did at our last event. We will be announcing the details of the next Taboo Mansion Event where all Tier 4 holders will have the opportunity this year to meet me, other founders, the team, members of the private family office, Taboo models, and other Taboo investors.

Taboo Raises $10M from Private Family Office

There have been several claims to insinuate that this is not true and that we have yet to disclose any details about the raise. I confirm this is a 100% fact that TABOO has raised $10 Million and as with every other raise in the world, the precise details cannot be disclosed prior to certain deliverables and agreements in place. Even then, as is common practice, only parts of the investment will be disclosed to holders and the general public. It’s utter madness to believe we fabricated this.

Taboo released some initial press articles and as the news started to gain momentum, we were approached by Tier 1 media outlets, and they only published the news after the team had shared facts and some proprietary agreements with them under a NDA as well.

The claim that I own 30% of $TABOO Tokens

The $TABOO tokenomics on the White paper clearly states the percentage allocated to the Team, Marketing, Development, Circulating supply, and Burn, and has been made available and transparent from the start. All data for this is available on-chain on BSC Scan to be reviewed by anyone. The burning mechanism comes into effect every time a user buys, sells, or trades the $TABOO token.

Additional Tax on Dextools

The $TABOO smart contract is coded with the tax rate. Essentially this means we cannot add any additional tax on the token, the tax is part of the smart contract and neither I nor anyone else in the team has access to Dextools or any other aggregator to make such changes. To increase or decrease the tax, we would have to update the smart contract and not simply have to go through a different DEX or CEX to do so. Any investor versed in Crypto knows it is absolutely impossible to pick and choose a tax rate based on the DEX. The $TABOO tax remains at 4%.

Low-quality initial website and marketplace

The claim that we knew of the previous development team’s background in 2021 and still worked with them is wrong. We have documentation from that development team stating that they worked with Enjin and were some of the best in the market. As we now move to a revamp of the brand, website, and marketplace, this will ensure that neither myself nor the team members deliver anything less than the quality Taboo holders and users expect.

Closing Thoughts and next steps

This is not the first time malcontents have tried to attack Taboo, and unlikely to be the last. All claims have been made anonymously with pure speculation and a vindictive mindset to shake $TABOO. Despite these attacks being targeted towards me, I apologise and give assurance that our legal team is actively working on this matter closely with cybersecurity experts. We have shown unshakeable commitment to Taboo through dark times and continue to invest and deliver on our promises.

In conclusion

We have been transparent from day 1 of operations, with regular AMAs, updates, and achieved milestones. We survived when thousands of ALT projects folded. Our founders are all successful and share the same vision for Taboo. We are more determined than ever to build the legacy of Taboo. We have organized events globally, continue to do so, continue our progress, and reward our investors, we will not stop and we are here to stay!
Yours Sincerely,





Taboo Token

$TABOO is an entertainment and publishing blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create a unique user and holder experience.