Marketplace Transition, TABOOPUNKS, Updates

Taboo Token
3 min readFeb 19, 2022

To our loyal and dedicated $TABOO Community,

The time is near for plenty of exciting advancements for the TABOO brand/project! We are sparing no time in continuing to develop, grow, and strengthen our brand for the 2022 Crypto Year! Here is some notable information for you all:

Marketplace Transition

Our Marketplace, as you are all aware, is currently down for “maintenance”

This is because we are now in a transitory period where we are conducting a peaceful transition of personnel from our existing Development team onto a new Development team. We have a few changes that will be made:

  1. Upgraded Marketplace Software with completely revamped back-end coding
  2. Marketplace UI/UX upgrade will be integrated into our new Marketplace software. Check our recent Tweets to see sample videos of how our updated UI/UX will look!
  3. New Development team
  4. Points 1–2 above will include placement with our new domain, As mentioned in the past, we paid a small fortune for this domain, and currently are the only entity in the world to own the domain. These updates will include, finally, using this domain as our new, main domain!

As for #3, this does not mean that this is the team we continue with for all latter stages of development; rather, we are aware and empathize that the first MP launch we had late last year did not go as smoothly as we would’ve liked, and this team is here to help bridge the gaps we experienced for our Marketplace. They are on a contract to fulfill our current needs, along with some short-term growth targets, and depending on how they do, we will decide whether to continue with them. We have ancillary teams, and other candidates that will focus on other areas of our Marketplace development such as * hint * our upcoming Metaverse this year!

In fact, Metaverse concepts are already being generated and created in parallel to all of the points above, and we will be sharing quite soon here our fantastic, starting entry point into the Metaverse during the time in which we build, and create our own Metaverse.

This duration of time for our transition will most likely span at least a few weeks, and we are nothing but privileged to be able to bring forth these exciting developmental upgrades!


  • Our, crypto informational landing page/site is just about complete. Stay tuned for this.
  • Reselling NFTS will be available on our upgraded Marketplace
  • CTO Candidates are still being interviewed, and we have a few solid ones now that we are conducting follow-up interviews with.


Some of you may have already seen our Collection up on Openseas. You might want to go take a look by typing in TabooPunks in the search bar ;)

We are on schedule to launch the TABOOPUNKs for February 23rd, 2022.

Buyers will be airdropped the NFTs they purchased in our pre-sale stage.

We have marketing that we will be doing close to launch, however please keep in mind that the marketing NEVER STOPS and it will continue for the launch, and thereafter.

There will be continual additional utilities added to these TABOOPUNKS, to own them, as to us, they are not only high quality, beautiful NFT art but have real purpose to our crypto token. James and I will be sharing some unique new utilities soon!

Surprise Personnel Addition

We have onboarded an iconic, world known figurehead to take on a department of TABOO and help with it’s direction. We will share this piece of news soon so stay tuned for that as well!


In summary, the main priority points of this article have been shared — Our TABOOPUNKS launch is on schedule for Feb 23rd, our MP is in a transitory state with an integration of a new Dev Team, New UI/UX, upgraded software, our new domain, alongside our website being just about completed.

As always, we have continuous surprise news to share in the coming weeks, and we are looking forward to a stellar year for $TABOO.

Thank you all for your patience and belief in us,

Best regards,


-Chief of Operations



Taboo Token

$TABOO is an entertainment and publishing blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create a unique user and holder experience.